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Professionalism: In how we look, In how we act, In what we say, And how we say it, In what we do, In what we don’t do, In the way we treat others, In the way we conduct ourselves, It’s who we are,  It’s what others need to see us be,  It’s who we need to be.

Safety: In our thinking, In our actions, At the yard, On our properties, On the road, Always on our minds, At all times, Consistently, Knowing the urgency, With all things, Under all situations, Under all conditions, Always.

Honesty: In our dealings, In our ambitions, With ourselves, With others, In our work, At the job site, In the yard, On the road, On our off time, On our on time, And in-between time, At all times.

Consistency: In our attitude, In our thinking, In what we do, In what we say, In what we work on, In what we focus on, At the workplace, In our abilities, In our learning, In our job skills, In our performance, In our professionalism, In who we are.

Urgency: For the job at hand, Seeing the big picture, Aware of the time, Knowing the needs, And the importance, To do the right thing, For the right reasons, To learn, To know, To grow, To understand, To be efficient, To be consistent.